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Causes of Termites Entering the House

Termites are one type of insect that usually make colonies. The presence of this type of insect will be very disturbing. Therefore, you must know what are the things that can cause termites to enter the house so that they can be anticipated. Check out the following explanation.


The presence of wooden furniture that termites like

One aspect that is considered to have great potential to invite termites into the house is the presence of wooden furniture. Moreover, if the furniture is made of wood of poor quality, of course, the potential for termites to eat will be greater. Wood material can indeed conjure up furniture to look more elegant. However, when you decide to have wooden furniture, the best way to avoid termites is to choose wood of good quality. If the quality of the wood is not good, then how to get rid of termites in these conditions will be quite difficult. Usually, after being cleaned, this creature will come again.

There are cavities in the house for termites to live in

Be careful for those of you who have a cavity in the house. These cavities could be termite houses. Very valuable wooden assets can be their nests and food. Don’t let them destroy your valuable assets. Even though the walls of the house are made of thick walls, termites can still enter the house through holes even if they are very small. We recommend that you close the cavity immediately. Do not let the cavity get bigger because termites will find it easier to enter the house.

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Air and Light Circulation

The next way to get rid of termites is the lack of air and light, which are also factors that cause termites to enter the house. Poor access to light and lack of air circulation will cause the house to look damp and dim. Such conditions will definitely invite termites to nest there. Termites really like places like that because it will make it easier for them to breed. In fact, not only termites, other insects may also enter the house. In addition, a house with a humid atmosphere can also cause wooden furniture to quickly experience weathering and mold. Therefore, a form of prevention that you can do is to ensure that there is more than enough air and light entering the house.

Less Clean House

Another reason termites enter the house is a dirty house. Houses that are not well cared for will certainly invite termites to enter. Termites will easily nest in the corners of the room with their colonies.

The way to get rid of termites in this condition is to diligently clean the house and the surrounding environment. In addition to avoiding termites, your family will be more comfortable living in a clean and healthy environment.

Land Around Fertile House

Having a house with fertile and loose soil conditions may be a matter of pride for some people. Loose, fertile soil is great for growing crops. However, who would have thought that the actual condition of the land like that also had a negative impact. You should know that termites really like fertile and loose soil conditions. They must be happy to swarm on the ground like that. So, for those of you who have a house with fertile soil conditions. Do not forget to provide a partition between the yard and the house. However, if you have already built a house that is not the case. So you have to be careful if one day there are termites that enter the house.

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You should immediately take precautions, such as keeping the house clean and taking good care of wooden furniture.